IFCA National Youth Convention – GBC Teen Trip Report

IFCA National Youth Convention – GBC Teen Trip Report

In Acts 14:27, we read these words – “When they arrived and gathered the church together, they reported all the things God had done with them, and that He had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles” (NET).  Following the example of Paul and Barnabas, we make it a practice here at GBC to report on the trips that we take.  This year we went to the IFCA National Youth Convention in Cedarville, OH with a group of 8 teens.  On July 12th, we took the time to give an overview of what the week looked like for us, how we saw answers to prayer, and the teen gave reported on two questions asked them which revealed what they learned and how they were impacted during the week.  God did some amazing things.  Take some time to listen and find out what those things were.