Sermons on Progressive Christianity

Sermons on Progressive Christianity

August 28, 2022 Service (“Deconstructionism – Helpful or Hurtful?” – Part #3)

Thank you for joining us online as we worship, pray, and study the Word of God together. Today, Pastor Daniel will be concluding our GPS series (God-Positioned Stances) with part 3 of the message “Deconstructionism: Helpful or Hurtful?” Join us as we look through God’s eyes at this topic. We pray that you’ll be encouraged by the time together online. God bless. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

August 21, 2022 Service (“Deconstructionism: Helpful or Hurtful?” [Part 2])

Thank you for joining us online as we worship, pray, and study the Word of God together. Today, Pastor Daniel will be continuing our GPS series (God-Positioned Stances) with part 2 of the message “Deconstructionism: Helpful or Hurtful?” Join us as we look through God’s eyes at this topic. We pray that you’ll be encouraged by the time together online. God bless. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783