“Surrender: A Place of Peace”

“Surrender: A Place of Peace”

We are bombarded every day with many concerns.  Finances seem to often be an issue in a world that is telling us to buy, buy, buy with money we don’t have.  The health of our loved ones, neighbors, and friends fails.  Then we have the daily pressures of our jobs and family and so on and so on and so on.  Worry, anxiety, fear all plague us at least at one point or another in our lives.  The Apostle Paul gives us a prescription for worry in our lives – PRAYER.  Yes, that’s right – PRAYER.  He expounds on that in Philippians 4 that in prayer, in bringing our worries and anxieties before the Lord in prayer we can find the peace of God.  Take some time to listen to this and what the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4.