Sermons by Dr. Paul Thyren (Page 9)

Sermons by Dr. Paul Thyren (Page 9)

“The Belt of Truth Should Do More than Hold Your Pants Up”

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul writes about the Armor of God.  Among the items that he lists is the Belt of Truth.  Truth today though has become a sore subject but many don’t like the thought of absolute truth.  People today would rather truth be determined individually which in the end gives each a license to sin ultimately.  Take a few moments and listen to this sermon on truth and its importance in our current day and age.

“The World Changed But God Didn’t”

Today we remembered the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.  We remembered those that lost their lives on that horrific day.  We also recognized and thanked our local emergency service personnel for their service to us.  As we remembered that day, we reflected on what has and what hasn’t changed in 15 years.  We pray that you’ll be comforted and encouraged by the truth of God’s Word and His unchanging nature.

“The World that Shrunk God” – Part 2

As time has progressed, our nation and the world included have become less and less dependent upon God.  Our world has increasingly left the pursuit of God to follow after the trivial and short served pleasures of this world.  Paul’s letter to Timothy acknowledges this.  Take some time to listen to this sermon.  Just how much has the world shrunk God?  What is our response as believers?

Sacrifice of Praise Service

We have been using the fifth Sundays in various months this year as a time to share how God has been faithful to us.  We believe that it is vital for us to share our stories, our testimonies.  As we do, we encourage others within the church about God’s comfort and faithfulness and in general His character as God and how He interacts with us.

“What the Bible Says about Disobeying the Government”

We are facing some unique days as Christians.  The government itself is changing from the values and ethics that it was founded upon originally.  When the government begins to legislate that which is contrary to the Word of God, how is a Christian supposed to respond?  We are not alone in this.  Many believers across the world is already facing this issue.  Let’s look the the Scriptures though for guidance.

“God’s Story Becomes Your Story” – B.L.E.S.S. Someone Part #2

We continue to expound on the concept of “B.L.E.S.S.”ing someone each day.  Take some time to listen and continue to learn about how we can serve not only one another but the world around us each day.  As you listen, be thinking of individuals in your life on whom you can implement this concept.  Be the mouth and feet of Jesus to another.

“B.L.E.S.S. Someone Today”

Ever used the phrase “God bless you”?  Often it is used as a salutation without much though.  It has become “goodbye” is some sense as you close a letter end a phone call.  This sermon challenges that though a bit and beckons you to think about how you can bless someone whether that be a neighbor or family or friend or community member.  And not just bless someone but “B.L.E.S.S.” someone.  Listen to find out what it means and what you can be…

“The Great God Behind a Great Man”

We draw to a close in the series on the life of David.  We have spent these past months looking over his life and what we can learn from his life: both what to do and what not to do.  In this sermon, we decided to look back over the entirety of the series and pull out and highlight certain principles that were key along the way.  This two part sermon focuses first on the character of David himself and…

“Mother’s Day: Good, Bad, & Ugly”

The title perhaps sounds bad to begin with.  You’ll need to listen to the sermon to fully understand why Pastor Paul entitled it as such this week.  We are continuing to look at the life of David though and specifically this week, Bathsheba as David’s wife and mother of Solomon.  Take some time to listen and continue on in this journey with us through the life of David and what we can learn from his example (and from those in…

“The Music Tells the Story”

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been talking about this particular account–David’s adultery with Bathsheba.  We looked it initially in 2 Samuel 11 when he committed the act and how his compounded.  In 2 Samuel 12, we saw the prophet Nathan confront him on his sin and David’s repentant heart.  Psalm 51 was written by David as an account, a story set to music of his confession to the Lord concerning what he had done.  Spend a few…

“Moving Away from the River Denial”

I heard the phrase many years ago in a counseling class that da’ Nile is not just a river in Egypt.  While we often associate it with one of the stages of grief, it appears more often in relation to sin.  Besides placing the blame on another, a close second retreat it to deny that we did the action all together or that it was even sin as we try to rationalize our actions.  As we continue on in the…

“The Most Important Question”

What is it?  We have all heard that phrase before.  Perhaps it was in a classroom setting where a teacher was explaining a piece of history or a math problem or something of the like and they asked you what the most important question was?  In other words what should you be asking.  In this sermon on Romans 1:1-4, Pastor Paul answers that and discusses what the most important truly is.  Discover it by taking the time to listen to…

“David & His Wives – Family Train Wreck”

The news over the past year has reported on several train wrecks.  Many of them resulted in huge pile ups of cars due to faulty track or taking a curve to sharply or caused for unknown reasons.  Despite the cause, a train wreck is always a huge mess and takes days and more often than not weeks to clean up.  We have been studying the life of David these past months.  We now come to his family and what we…

“Enthusiastic Worshipper: Does It Describe You?

There is much that has been written on the subject of worship.  We talk often about worship music, worship choruses, places of worship.  We have worship styles that have become hotly debated topics and the center for some very sad divisions among Christians.  Looking back to the life of David though, we see a glimpse of how he worshipped God.  We can learn much form his example and the practical applications we draw from 1 Chronicles 15-17.  Spend some time…

“Doing Right Things in Wrong Ways”

Ever quote the old saying – “well at least they had good intentions”.  I don’t recall its origins, but we don’t see that phrase quote in Scripture by God.  David in 2 Samuel 6 moved the Ark of the Covenant in the wrong manner though he had good motives.  God had prescribed a very detailed manner in which the Ark of the Covenant was to be moved and even though David had good intentions, he disobeyed God.  Take a few…

“Between a Rock & a Hard Place”

Crisis.  We know the word.  We see it all around us.  Often we equate it to finances and the state of a nation.  But crisis affects us all and takes many different forms.  Shortly after time began, there was a spiritual crisis.  Man thought he knew better than God and thus the downward spiral began and the continual increasing distance of the relationship between God and man.  We face crisis in our families with the death of a loved one,…

“When You Are at the End of Your Rope, God Is Still There”

Have you ever had that kind of moment in your life?  I think in some respects it is a silly question because everyone has.  We all have had moments in our lives when we are at the end of our strength.  We are at our wits end about what do do next.  We feel as if there is no where else to turn and all hope is lost.  But we have an amazing promise, comforting words from Scripture, peace for…

“Even Our Heroes Mess Up”

The title itself may recall to your mind the shortcomings of any number of heroes.  Perhaps you are thinking of the superheroes from movies and how they have failed.  Heroes aren’t just those with superpowers though as we see depicted by Hollywood.  Heroes more often than not are everyday people who do extraordinary deeds.  They are people who we look up to.  Due to sin though, none of us are perfect and we all (even heroes) mess up from time…