"#wrath" Tagged Sermons

"#wrath" Tagged Sermons

March 5, 2023 Service & Communion (“An Unpopular Thought: God’s Wrath” – Romans 1:18-23)

Thank you for joining us online as we worship, pray, and study the Word of God together. Pastor Daniel will be continuing our series in Romans called “The Gospel Proclaimed & Practiced.” Today, we’re in Romans 1:18-23 with a message entitled “An Unpopular Thought: God’s Wrath.” We pray that you’ll be encouraged by the time together online. We will be observing communion as well, so pause for a moment, grab a piece of bread and some juice as we reflect…

Good Friday Service (Passover Seder) – April 15, 2022

We are doing a Passover Seder at GBC tonight. Due to the nature of the setting & service, we are unable to record it live, but we would like to offer the option of seeing one of the missionaries we support explain the Passover Seder. Justin Kron, from The Kesher Project, is a messianic Jew from the Chicagoland area and a missionary that we have supported as a church for many years. This meal and his explanation of it brings…