Posts from July 2023

Posts from July 2023

Looking Forward to THE DAY

Each week I get a number of emails in my inbox that often have encouraging words, kind of like a short devotional. Today I was particularly encouraged by an email sent to me that reminded me of the words of Paul in Romans 8. It is an encouragement of perspective as we think about what awaits us yet. Oh what a day that will be! CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Perspective Amidst Challenging Issues

As I was thinking about the vlog for today, my thoughts turned to the challenging issues that Pastor Paul covered last week and will be covering this coming Sunday (AI/Transhumanism and Cancel Culture). We as Christians can often be quick to fight immediately on these things in the political realm, to speak our voice “loudly” on social media. But as I thought on them further, I was overwhelmingly convicted with the need for us to step back for a moment…

A Place of Relief or Terror

Ever read a passage of Scripture and then a friend’s perspective or something you read enlightens you to give you a different perspective? I had that today with an email I received that gave me an additional biblical look on a favorite passage. It opened my eyes today and I pray it will yours as well as we look at Psalm 18. Is he a place of relief? Or is God a place of terror? Thanks for joining us online…

A Spiritual Eyesight Prescription

Romans 11:36 has been described as one of the greatest lines of written language in all of Scripture. We’re look back at that one verse today and the spiritual prescription we find there for one of our greatest “sight” issues in life. This verse gives us true focus and is a guide for living. Thanks for joining us today. “To Him Be Glory Forever” (Rom 11:28-36) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783