'#jesus' Tagged Posts

'#jesus' Tagged Posts

Who Is Our Deliverer?

Returning back to the subject of Sunday’s sermon (see link below), we are expanding today on some of the unanswered questions and points we didn’t get to on Sunday as we continue to examine the lives of the men and women of faith in the Bible. As always, we pray you are encourage and challenge to a great walk of faith and love for the Lord and other as we are in the Word together today. God bless! “When God…

Sharing the Gospel with Jewish People

As we talked about the fact that God has not forsaken his people from Romans 11, it is important for us to get a glimpse of how Jewish people may view the New Testament and Jesus. This interview we are sharing today give us some unique insights and glimpse that will further educate us in our evangelistic efforts to Jewish people. “God Has Not Forsaken Israel” (Romans 11:1-27) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

From a Jewish Perspective

As we talked about the fact that God has not forsaken his people from Romans 11, it is important for us to get a glimpse of how Jewish people may view the New Testament and Jesus. This testimony we are sharing today not only encourages us that God is still at work but give us some unique insights and glimpse that will further educate us in our evangelistic efforts to Jewish people. “God Has Not Forsaken Israel” (Romans 11:1-27) CCLI…

Be Sent

A simple title but it references what we discussed as one of our closing points on Sunday–the important of take the good news of Jesus Christ to those in need. Paul tells us in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word preached. If we hope for people to respond to the gospel message, we must proclaim it. At minimum, we can invite people to attend a church service with us. With nearly everything online today,…

God’s Holiness & Our Need for Christ

I was greatly impacted some time ago by a book I was reading that brought me into a deeper understanding of the holiness of God and our great need for Christ as our Savior. As I read those words, it left me with praise for what God has done in my life as I think on my own sinfulness in comparison to his holiness and the immense kindness shown me on the cross. Take a moment to watch as I…

Thoughts on Death

Death is a reality for all of us. Unless Jesus comes again before we enter the grave, we will all die. And death is one of those odd subjects that people don’t like to talk about but yet commands interest as well. There are all sorts of stories on YouTube about people’s after-death experiences. I was watching a video today asking “What happens when we die?” Looking to Scripture, what does it have to say about death and hope for…

Constant Communication with God (Jas 5)

Prayer. It’s the red-phone to heaven. It’s the walkie-talkie to call in reinforcements. Sometimes we speak of it as a specially reserved time in our morning devotions or a segment of a service. But it is more than all of these things. It is living in constant communication with God – a constant attitude of dependence on him. Thanks for watching as we explore this important topic James highlights in ch. 5. “Let’s Pray” (Jas 5:13-18)

What Are the Odds?

What are the odds? Ever used the phrase. Sometimes it is in astonishment at what just happened or we are shrugging off something and don’t even consider it a possibility. Today we’re looking at some statistics that should give us confidence in the faithfulness of God to his Word and strengthen our hope in Christ. Thanks for watching!


Sunday we talked about being “doers of the Word”. And as we think about obedience to the Word, that obedience is not directed solely toward what we find in the New Testament. There are many commands and principles that the New Testament highlights and confirms from the Old Testament. So the Law has value even for us today because it reveals to us who God is. Despite the thoughts that the Word is archaic or for a different time, a…


James 1:17 is one of my favorite verses because it highlights an essential doctrine of the character of God. As I think on this, I am finding more and more examples all the time of how the secular world and even those within the Christian community are attempting to erode this crucial doctrine. What is it? And why is it important? We’re exploring that today!


Temptations and trials. There is an awful lot of stuff written in Scripture about these two subjects. In fact, we just looked at both recently as we were working through James 1. Let’s revisit these once more but this time looking at another passage – 1 Corinthians 10:13. From there we’ll find some encouragements and insights on this word in the Greek. Thanks for watching!


As I was reading Genesis 7-8 today, I noted some things I hadn’t before. We often hear this simply as a children’s story, yet this was an actual account with far deeper spiritual meaning that just a boat floating on the water to save some animals. Today, we look through the timeline of that event as well as the greater significance that it points us to today. Thanks for watching!


I was reading through Psalm 14 and thinking about the subject of atheism as my eyes scanned over the initial words of the psalm. The deeper I got into the psalm and thought about the gospel, my attention turned to how we as believers are promoting that message with our lives to those around us. Is the glorious gospel clearly seen or are we living as practical atheists? Belief is meant to affect how we live and give us gospel…


In a world full of bad news, this is the best news of all. Hope in a world filled wit hopelessness. Security in a world of uncertainty. Freedom in a world enslaved. Joy and peace in a world that is anything but. This is about your eternity and your present.


We’ve made it to the end of our New Testament reading and what a great place to end the year in the Bible. We conclude with the glorious future that awaits all those who have placed their faith in Christ Jesus for salvation. Thanks for journeying with us through the New Testament this year. We’ll be starting something new in 2021 as we continue to explore the Word of God together. God bless.


As we read these couple of chapters today (Revelation 11-12), it almost seems like it is a scene from the Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit movies. A scene of heaven, a pregnant woman fleeing from a fierce dragon, angels, war….certainly sounds like it doesn’t it? These are end times events though. I’ll explain all these things today. Take a moment to read the chapters though before you watch. Revelation 11-12 NET


As we read John 17, we see Jesus’ priestly prayer as he intercedes on behalf of his disciples and all believers yet to come. When I read this passage, I see the intimacy of the relationship between the Son and the Father. And it moves me. Here is a conversations between the persons of the God head. It challenges me to think of prayer beyond a set time or circumstance to continual conversations with my Abba Father throughout the day.…


Any election can be a very important time in the history of a local community or the large scope of a nation. I’ve heard this election described numerous times as “historic.” It may certainly have some significant ramifications on Christian liberties & godly commands and principles. But in the overall course of history, how long will it be remembered? 20 years? Even significant parts of history are no longer remembered by the masses any longer. What is truly historic?


Your will be done. Can we honestly say that? Is that our prayer and mindset everyday? That not matter what comes our way that we willingly surrender our own will, our own plans, to the will of the Father? In 1 John 2:6, John calls us to walk as Jesus walked. As we read from John 12 today, we get a glimpse of what that looks like. Jesus lived in complete surrender to the will of the Father, to the…


I often joke that I am going to write a book someday about all the lessons my kids teach me about my relationship with God and how we as adults often react to him. Perhaps I will, but I came across such an excerpt on Facebook today that I’d like to share with you about our relationship with God.
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