Sermons by Pastor Daniel Wiersema (Page 11)

Sermons by Pastor Daniel Wiersema (Page 11)

“A Formula for Running”

I am not a runner, but I have observed running enough to know that every person has a specific formula to help them achieve greater and greater success.  The Christian life is compared in the Scriptures to a race that we are to run.  Hebrews 12:1-3 lays out the formula for us as Christian runners to achieve success in our race of faith.

“New Creation in Christ”

The work of Christ has made salvation available to all who will come in faith.  Those that do respond have an amazing work done in them.  The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that we are “new creations” in Christ.  This short verse is an encouragement and call to action in many respects if we look at it in depth.

“Four Focuses on Jesus”

Join us as we look through each gospel and how the various writers present a different aspect about Jesus.  As they do, you’ll find their message gives us hope, encourages our hearts, and calls us to action as believers.

“What Is Love?”

Interesting question, right?  People have been trying to answer that question for a long time and haven’t always been able to define it very well.  Well, someone has already for us.  The answer to that question has been around for centuries.  And we find the answer in 1 Corinthians 13 where the Apostle Paul spells out for us what love looks like and by doing so answer the question for us–what is love?  We trust you’ll be encouraged by this…

“Calling All Believers to Change”

Last week we looked at the first of the two commands we find in Romans 12:2 – “Don’t be conformed”.  This week, we look at the positive command given by Paul – “BE TRANSFORMED”.  This answers our question: how do we change if we are told not to be conformed to the world?  Take a few minutes to listen to this sermon.  Our prayer is that you will be encouraged and challenged by the truth of God’s word as we review…

“Sugar Cookies & Springerle”

Odd name for a sermon title focused on Romans 12:1-2, right?  You’ll catch on to where we’re headed though with the title by taking some time to listen to this sermon as we continue our series on the Toolbox of Important Scriptures. **Sorry we had to take the audio file down temporarily because it didn’t record correctly.  We will investigate and hopefully have it back up soon.

“God’s Will for Kids from 1-92”

Paul gives instructions for the whole household in the book of Ephesians.  He started with husbands and wives and then moved on to children.  The instructions given though are not just for people under the age of 18.  These instructions apply to anyone who is a child–which means all of us.  Take some time to listen to the sermon and you’ll understand what I mean.  May the Lord encourage and challenge you from His Word.

“Foreign Concepts to Today’s Marriages”

Marriage as an institution has been having problems for many years.  Many have tried to solve the issues but have searched for answers in all the wrong places.  The Scriptures provide the solutions if we are willing to implement them.  It won’t be easy but as we put God’s plan into play we find a balance in marriage what God always meant it to be.

“To Whom Can You Compare God?”

We serve a God unlike any other that people in our world worships.  He alone is the only true God.  In Psalm 139, David describes just how unique he is.  We pray that you’ll be encouraged by God’s Word are brought face to face with who He is in this psalm.

“Two Ways. Two Outcomes.”

When I drive semi-trucks, I usually pack a toolbox with some of the essential tools I may need to help fix problems I come across.  Taking that illustration and applying it spiritually, what tools do you have in your spiritual toolbox?  What passages and chapters do you keep handy to help you in times of trouble, when you need comfort, when you have a decision to make and need some wisdom, etc.?  We are staring a new sermon series with…

“Tolerance – Understanding It Biblically” – Part 2

This nation has been preaching tolerance a lot recently with the issues of gender and marriage taking up much of the headlines.  The tolerance that the nation is preaching has been redefined to fit a movement rather than following how Scripture and even the dictionary itself defines it.  In this two part series, we will be looking at the true definition of tolerance as well as how we are to show tolerance biblically toward the world around us.  How does…

“Tolerance – Understanding It Biblically” – Part 1

This nation has been preaching tolerance a lot recently with the issues of gender and marriage taking up much of the headlines.  The tolerance that the nation is preaching has been redefined to fit a movement rather than following how Scripture and even the dictionary itself defines it.  In this two part series, we will be looking at the true definition of tolerance as well as how we are to show tolerance biblically toward the world around us.  How does…

“Biblical Service – Serving Others & Not Self”

There has been a statistic for years that has floated around pastoral circles.  The stat says that 20% of the church body is doing 80% of the ministry of the church.  I don’t know the legitimacy of that statement, but we do see a trend in churches (even more so today) to serve self over others.  And if we are serving self, we are most likely not involved in the ministry of the church or in serving others outside of…

“Lessons from the Servant-Leader”

Ask any person walking down the street about Jesus and who He is or was and I am sure that most of your answers will center on Him being a good person, a teacher, a character of the Bible, etc.  As you read through the Gospels though, there is so much more to His life.  As I think of Him personally, much comes to mind but as a pastor, I think of Him most often as a Servant-Leader.  He taught by…