Sermons by Pastor Daniel Wiersema (Page 12)

Sermons by Pastor Daniel Wiersema (Page 12)

“Tracing the Roots of Service”

Growing up in a small farming community, it was commonplace to go and help out a neighbor in need not matter what it was or whether or not you were busy with other things.  It is what we call serving others–something that Jesus called us to do.  By and by though, through the years, service has become an antiquated idea and has lost its place in much of a society that is only concerned about number one (me, myself, and…

“The Great God Behind a Great Man”

We draw to a close in the series on the life of David.  We have spent these past months looking over his life and what we can learn from his life: both what to do and what not to do.  In this sermon, we decided to look back over the entirety of the series and pull out and highlight certain principles that were key along the way.  This two part sermon focuses first on the character of David himself and…

“God’s Revelation to Mankind”

Year upon year, people have strayed further and further away from God.  Nations make laws to prohibit Christian influence in school and on society.  David says that creation speaks out though and always will.  It reveals the fact that it has been created by God Himself and reflects His glory.  David says that God has revealed Himself further through the law.  Knowing that creation speaks day after day and night after night and that we have the Scripture, what response…

“The Blessedness of Forgiveness”

Over the past couple of weeks we have been looking at David’s sin when he committed adultery with Bathsheba.  2 Samuel 10-11 lead us up to the incident and relayed the details of it.  2 Samuel 12 showed us David’s confrontation by Nathan about this sin.  Psalm 51 we read David’s lament really, his prayer, his acknowledgement that is was sin, sin against God alone.  Psalm 32, we see the blessing of the forgiveness God has granted David.  David shares…

“How Did I End Up Here?”

Ever ask yourself that question.  You get to a particular stage or place in life and you sit down and ask yourself – “How did I end up here?”.  It could be asked in a positive light and as you look back your are reminded about what God has done for you.  Most often, the question is asked after going through a bout of trouble and trials.  David, while he didn’t ask this question, did end up answer it and his…

“A Prayer for Those Yet to Come”

On Palm Sunday, often the focus is on Jesus entry into Jerusalem and the people shouting out “Hosanna!”  This year, we went further on in John’s record of what took place.  We went past even Jesus washing the disciples’ feet and the Lord’s Supper to just before He and the disciples depart for the orchard.  As He speaks a few remaining words to His disciples, He takes some time to praye for them and for those who are yet to come,…

“The Lord Is My Shepherd”

Psalm 23 is a favorite among many people.  We hear it read at funerals often.  The Psalm is not for the dead though.  It is for the living and it reveals much to us about the character of our God.  The Lord, the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty God is our Shepherd.  That simple statement in and of itself should leave us on our knees before God praising Him, because that word, shepherd, communicates in wonderful picture of care, protection,…

“Who Is Like Our God?”

Ever had one of those moments when you stand back in total amazement at what God has just done?  David had more than one of those moments in his life I am sure, but we see one specifically in 2 Samuel 6.  David wants to build a house for God.  God’s answer and we find David sitting before the Lord in total amazement essentially asking this question–who is like our God?

“Extreme Contrasts: Foolishness & Wisdom”

We live in world of great contrasts.  In the realm of colors: black & white.  In the realm of geography: mountains & plains.  In the realm of temperature and climate: fridgid cold/snow & sweltering heart/sun.  In 1 Samuel 25, we find an extreme contrast as well: foolishness & wisdom.  We see how the foolish response of one man leads to the foolish reaction of another and the outcome from these foolish decisions is dim.  But wisdom finds its ways into…

“Trusting & Praising God in a Cave”

David was a man on the run for many years.  Saul’s attitude toward him often changed at the drop of a hat.  Saul was glad to have him around one minute and then wanted to kill him the next.  On two particular occasions, David sought shelter in a cave as he was running from King Saul.  We are unsure which instance this Psalm refers to but we do have a court side seats to the spiritual life of this young…

“Invitations – Will You Come?”

Ever considered what the word ADVENT actually means?  I think so many people see it simply as a time or celebration or tradition around Christmas time.  Perhaps you think of the candles at the front on a Sunday morning.  Let’s look at the word itself though.  Take some time and learn what the word means and what applications and challenges we can find from Scripture as we look at its definition.

“True Friends – Defining Biblical Friendship”

We continue with the life of David.  After the account of David & Goliath, the next major part of David’s life that we find is the friendship between Jonathan & David.  The bond between these two men was like that of brothers.  Think about the friends that you have in your life.  Think about their qualities, characteristics, what makes them who they are.  As we look at the friendship between Jonathan & David, we are going to look at what…

“Fellowship with the Living God”

As you read various psalms that David wrote, you see the intimacy of his relationship with God.  He was not afraid to speak his mind before the Lord and share the struggles he was going through and tell God that it was down right awful and asking God when He was going to show up.  We also see him praising God for His character and various qualities and even the Law itself which was worth innumerable value to David.  In…

“Learn from My…Follow My…Watch & Learn”

Ever remember your parents saying phrases to you as a kid like: learn from my example or follow my example or don’t make the same mistakes I did or just very simply watch and learn.  God have given us examples in our lives, many godly men and women, from whom we can learn many valuable life lessons.  The same is true of the Scriptures.  There are many men and women who are examples to us and from their examples, we can extra timeless principles…

“Where Do You Stand?”

We aren’t asking where are you currently in your day or when you normally stand in your home.  We are talking about the Word of God.  The morality of our country has changed much since its beginning.  Even the Christian community has change much in its beliefs and what it considers to be true within the Word of God.  This sermon explores how you personally view the Bible and God Himself.  Ask yourself that question though – “Where Do You Stand?”…

“Purpose in Suffering…Is It Possible?”

That’s a big question for believers.  Suffering seems to be meaningless.  If God is good, why doesn’t He just get rid of it?  If He cares for us, why doesn’t He eliminate it?  Those are honest questions we all ask at some point as believers…even if not out loud.  The Scriptures tells us that, yes, purpose can be found in suffering.  Paul expressed this.  Jesus Himself understood this point.  We will be exploring three different points (though there are many…

“If God Is Good…Balancing Life & Truth”

We look at the world around us and come face to face on a daily basis with the evil and suffering and pain that is present in this world.  Turn on your local TV station at night and you will find report after report of bad news.  How do we reconcile all we see on the news with what we read in Scripture saying that God is good?  Mankind has provided a variety of solutions to this issue based upon…

“A Christian Response to Work”

The title was written before the sermon was completely written out.  Paul in the last part of 2 Thessalonians 3 discusses the subject of work, but the principles we find there cover life in general in how we relate to one another and need to support each other.  Take a few moments to listen to this sermon and be challenged in your ministry to others in the local body, your example before others as a redeemed child of God, and…

“Prayer & Confidence”

Two words.  A very simple title.  But those two words summarize the great truths that Paul expresses and challenges us to in this passage of 2 Thessalonians.  As he wraps up his epistle, he focuses on these two subjects asking for the church to pray for him, the team, and the gospel of Christ Jesus.  As he considered the church itself and it’s future, he was confident not in them alone but in the Lord and what He would bring…

IFCA National Youth Convention – GBC Teen Trip Report

In Acts 14:27, we read these words – “When they arrived and gathered the church together, they reported all the things God had done with them, and that He had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles” (NET).  Following the example of Paul and Barnabas, we make it a practice here at GBC to report on the trips that we take.  This year we went to the IFCA National Youth Convention in Cedarville, OH with a group of 8 teens.…