Sermons (Page 23)

Sermons (Page 23)

“A Christian Response to Work”

The title was written before the sermon was completely written out.  Paul in the last part of 2 Thessalonians 3 discusses the subject of work, but the principles we find there cover life in general in how we relate to one another and need to support each other.  Take a few moments to listen to this sermon and be challenged in your ministry to others in the local body, your example before others as a redeemed child of God, and…

“Prayer & Confidence”

Two words.  A very simple title.  But those two words summarize the great truths that Paul expresses and challenges us to in this passage of 2 Thessalonians.  As he wraps up his epistle, he focuses on these two subjects asking for the church to pray for him, the team, and the gospel of Christ Jesus.  As he considered the church itself and it’s future, he was confident not in them alone but in the Lord and what He would bring…

IFCA National Youth Convention – GBC Teen Trip Report

In Acts 14:27, we read these words – “When they arrived and gathered the church together, they reported all the things God had done with them, and that He had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles” (NET).  Following the example of Paul and Barnabas, we make it a practice here at GBC to report on the trips that we take.  This year we went to the IFCA National Youth Convention in Cedarville, OH with a group of 8 teens.…

“Recipients of God’s Work”

One of the things that brings the greatest praise to my lips is thinking on the work of God in my life.  We were lost in our trespasses and sins, deserving death, deserving eternal separation from God.  And yet God, in His mercy and grace, reached out to us in love and brought to us salvation.  The Apostle Paul touches on some of the work of God in our lives in this passage of 2 Thessalonians.  Listen and discover how…

“A Line too Far”

David writes in Psalm 11:3 NAU – “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”  The Supreme Court decision on June 26th was disheartening.  There has been a broad spectrum of reactions to it since its release.  How do we respond as Christians?  What does this mean for our country now?  What does Scripture have to say?  All this and more is answered as you listen to this sermon with David’s question as its focus.

“Antichrist – Ultimate Human Deceiver”

There is a lot of fascination in today’s age with end of world related events.  Each film company has their own interpretation and you see a variety of different endings.  As Christians though, our source of truth is the Bible.  What does it say about the events themselves?  Well is speaks of a very influential figure called the Antichrist.  Who is this person?  What does Scripture have to say?  Take some time to listen to this message and dig into…

Guest Speaker – Wayne & Christy Sharp

Wayne & Christy have been missionaries from many years and supported by GBC for many years as well.  They currently serve at the New Tribes facility in Camdenton, MO.  This is an update on their ministry and what has been taking place with them in recent years.

“Are We in the Great Tribulation Now?”

You hear talk all the time about the End Times events.  They are the themes of popular block buster movies.  Sadly that is often where people get their theology too about what events will take place as well as the manner in which they will happen.  We see others trying to earn a buck using the Scriptures as their platform.  We must be discerning as believers the Apostle Paul warns us over and over.  What about the answer to the…

“The Day the Holy Spirit Came to Town”

In Acts 2, we find the record of the day of Pentecost and the beginning of the church, the body of Christ.  There was some strange things happening on that day.  We see the Holy Spirit in a unique picture form.  We have thousands of people who speak different languages hearing the same message in their own tongue.  We have thousands hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And we have thousands come to saving faith in Him.  This sermon is…

“The Judgment of God: Rest & Retribution”

Often we hear about the judgment of God through TV and movies.  We don’t often get the correct facts though as people use their creative liberties rather than sticking to the truths of God’s Word.  Other venues and people simply laugh at it and make mockery of it.  Paul makes it clear though that the judgment of God is coming and that the situation the Thessalonians are going through is evidence of its coming.  There are two groups that he…

“An Example to Other Believers”

The Thessalonian church was undergoing some intense persecution in their day.  Their endurance as well as their growth as a group of believers was impressive to Paul.  To him, they were great examples that other churches around them should look to and follow.  The question before us as we go through this passage though is this–are we that same example?  What are our lives communicating to other believers and are we living in such a manner as to encourage and…

“A Leader Worth Imitating”

Our world is always looking for a leader.  It’s looking for someone that has the right qualities and characteristics and whom they consider as a person who is worth following.  This message on 2 Chronicles take a look at Jehoshaphat and his character as a leader, as a king of the people.  What are those qualities?  What makes him a leader worth imitating?

“Last Minute Directions”

Ever have mom and dad leave for a weekend get away.  I am sure that they (perhaps just mom) have given you some final instructions before they left like being sure to watch your brother or sister and make sure they behave.  The Apostle Paul as he concluded his first letter to the Thessalonians gave them some final instructions.  Don’t just gloss over them though.  There is some really important stuff in these last verses.  They contain life changing truths.…

“If We Knew the Future…”

Don’t you wish you did!  Our world has a fascination with the idea especially with the realm of time travel.  We won’t get into that.  The Scriptures though do speak about the future and tells us what we can expect.  The future that Paul writes of in 1 Thessalonians 5 concerns the Day of the Lord.  Take some time to listen to this important message on the events that await this world.

“The Resurrection Reunion”

Do you remember the words to the old hymn…“What a day that will be, when my Jesus I will see, when I look upon His face…”.  The day is coming.  He will one day call us home to be with him.  The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Thessalonica about these things after some concerns they had.  Take some time to sit down, open your Bible, and listen to this sermon on 1 Thessalonians 4 which reminds us of the…

“The Fish Bowl Effect – Being Living Testimonies”

How many times as a child did you drag mom and dad (or perhaps your kids or grandkids are dragging you) to the fish section at Walmart or any pet store.  It is always so much fun to see all the different kinds of fish and how they interact with the other fish and even just move around the tank.  Tanks are often made out of clear material for the very purpose of being able to do this.  Have you…

“For this Is the Will of God…”

People often question what the will of God is.  They search for decades, spend hours in prayer listening for a distinctive voice.  However, the Word of God gives us His will pretty explicitly.  In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul conveys what the Word of God has said all along about sexual immorality.  We live in a world that worships it though.  The world approves of it as we see the pornography industry gross billions of dollars each year.  Hollywood glorifies affairs…

“Salvation Is of the Lord”

Kossi ministered with us last summer and is preparing messages for his internship in Togo, Africa this coming summer where he will be challenging men and women in the work of the ministry.  Listen to this encouraging message from 1 Samuel on the faithfulness of our God, His grace, and stories and application concerning the salvation He provides.

“Excel Still More”

For many people who played sports, you remember the coach and knew the abilities that were contained within you and challenged and encouraged you to push and on strive to be better.  They brought out the absolute best skill and crafted in within you.  The Apostle Paul encouraged the Thessalonians in their walk with God.  He was pleased to see how they were following their Savior.  He commended them for their walk.  Yet he challenged and encouraged them to excel…