Sermons (Page 25)

Sermons (Page 25)

“Keep on Becoming…”

We have learned what we need to put off in Ephesians 4:31.  Now let’s look at the one anothers and what we are to become as the Apostle Paul explains how this is to be a pursuit in our lives.

“Being Doers Means Putting Off the Old”

Have you ever considered that the old self, as the Apostle Paul mentions in Ephesians 4, might just be hindering your practice of the one anothers?  Spend some time reading Ephesians 4 and take a listen to what God has to say about letting go of the old self (the habits, practices, etc.) and putting on the new self which emulates Christ.

“Clarifying Our Thinking about Church”

What is your understanding of the church?  Do you see it as the building you enter on a Sunday morning?  Walk through the book of Acts with this sermon and understand the beginning of the church and what God had in mind when He put it together.

“Why Be a Doer?”

What’s the point?  Why invest my time, my energy, my resources in this pursuit that James discusses in his epistle?  Take some time to find out what God has to say about the subject.