Michelle and I were reading from our devotional book the other night before we went to sleep. In the course of the few pages, we read Jesus’ words to the disciples in Matthew 28:20.

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:20 NET

I like this verse generally as it is a part of the great commission given by Jesus. This verse came alive for me though during one of my Biblical Greek courses in college. The professor remarked that the Greek construction of the sentence looks like this in English – “Behold, I with you am always”. What was of special interest to me was the fact that I AM surrounds “with you”. Which highlights perhaps a theme in Matthew. This gospel book begins with the name of Jesus – Emmanuel which means “God with us” (see Mt 1:23) and ends with this phrase “I am with you”.

God’s presence. That’s one of the themes and reminders. So, I was curious and did a quick search for that phrase. Sure enough, it is found several dozens of times throughout the Old and New Testaments in several different forms (see passages like Gen 1:28; Exod 3:12; Deut 31:6, 8; Josh 1:5; Ps 23:5; Hag 1:13; Heb 13:5 for a few). God reminds us all throughout the Scriptures of his presence.

I say this often that he is not like the gods of old (or even today) which are far removed from their creation (& not God at all). No, he is intimately involved with it. As believers, his Spirit indwells us! And he reassures us with his presence which calms our hearts in the midst fear, steadies our life in the storms of crisis, is the fuel for moments of courageous faith. Pause for a moment and just try to grasp this concept. The God of the universe, your Creator, the one who spoke everything into existence by the words of his mouth and holds it all together is WITH YOU! I don’t know that I have enough words or the most appropriate ones to express the magnitude of this truth. Perhaps simply WOW! will suffice for now.

As you read through the Scriptures and as you study, highlight and underline the moments you see this simple phrase – “I am with you.” Doing so will allow you to find them easier again and remind you most assuredly of his continual presence that you might be convinced of such in your whole being when circumstances make you unsure. All praise to him for being Emmanuel.