'#bible' Tagged Posts

'#bible' Tagged Posts

Differing Opinions in the Church

Conflict in the church often centers on the differing opinions of the people within. Many times specifically over preferences. Join us today as we look at Romans 14:1 a further and take this discussion on a topic that it so essential to relationship within the church body (and within families and with our community members). May the Lord give supply grace and help us to imitate Christ as we interact with one another. “Harmony in Foggy Places” (Part #1) CCLI…

The Grace of God in the Scriptures

We talk much about the mercy and grace of God. How do you see it though? How do you know that you’ve been shown it? What is the avenue? Is it something spectacular or more subtle? Today, I’d like to share a video with you that continues our discussion of Nehemiah 9 and that because God is gracious and merciful that we can find mercy and grace. We’re exploring the avenue in which we can find his grace immediately for…

The Perfect Word of God

I am continually astounded by the timelessness of God’s Word. No matter the culture or time period, the Bible transcends though barriers and more to speak truth and life into the hearts and minds of people. Despite people calling it archaic and saying that much of what is written is for a different time, God’s truth remains unchanged and is for us just as much today as it was the day it was originally written. Thanks for watching! “When People…

The Word of God Remains Forever (GPS #12)

We’ll be covering the subject of deconstructionism on Sunday. As I have been preparing for that, the importance and centrality of the Word of God continues to be impressed upon me as well as it being timeless and transcending culture. I pray you’ll be encouraged by this simple words today as you think on the valuable riches you possess and hold in your hands–the Word of God.

Dual Citizenship (GPS Vlog #2)

Christians have a unique identity. Not only are we citizens of our respective countries of origin (or more generally citizens of earth), but we are also citizens of heaven. I find that when it comes to hot topics as we are discussing in our new sermon series that we tend to side with the earthly rather than heavenly citizenship. Today, we’re diving into this subject of dual citizenship and what it means for us in our interactions with others and…

The Word of God as Our Guide…Even on Prayer (Jas 5)

Sadly many have been deceived and given misinformation about the subject of prayer. It has left people with false hope. The same could be said of many other things in life including relationships, the keys to happiness, purpose and fulfillment in life. Through this segment today, may you be encouraged to let Scripture be your guide in all matters of life, searching it and finding what it has to say. Thanks for watching! “Let’s Pray” (Jas 5:13-18)

Depending on God

James confronts those living in complete independence of God at the end of chapter 4. If that is what living independently of God looks like, what is characteristic of a life dependent on God? Thanks for watching as we explore that question today!


James calls us to be “doers of the Word.” Using the analogy of a train track as a comparison to the Word, the train finds the greatest freedom on the track. Despite what our world thinks, freedom truly found in Christ and in obedience to the Word. But the train gets nowhere without an imporant part of the train. We’re exploring that today in relation to the Christian life. Thanks for watching! “Listen & Live It” – Jas 1:22-27 (February…


We all struggle with various temptations and wonder if there is a way to avoid sin. Today we are looking at some practical tips and passages of Scripture that focus on just that. And in addition to all of that, we’ll explore the key issue concerning why we often succumb to temptation sin as well as what to do about it. Thanks for watching!


Temptations and trials. There is an awful lot of stuff written in Scripture about these two subjects. In fact, we just looked at both recently as we were working through James 1. Let’s revisit these once more but this time looking at another passage – 1 Corinthians 10:13. From there we’ll find some encouragements and insights on this word in the Greek. Thanks for watching!


Diamonds are among the world’s most valuable treasures that men seek after. But something is of greater value still. Wisdom. But not just any wisdom, specifically wisdom from God. We’re continuing our study of James 1:5-8 from Sunday looking at the difference between faith, doubt, and unbelief which James brings up in the passage. All of this is key to the overall understanding that calls us to seek the wisdom of God to understand how we can have joy in…


This past Sunday we talked about understanding the spiritual influence in the background to the circumstances and situations we face. That influence may be either positive or negative. The psalms draws this out as well in Psalm 1 and the slippery slope that the influence of the world can create in our lives as we go along with it.


What does this passage mean? Is this the right way to understand this passage? How in the world does this apply to me? Those are honest questions that we ask as we study the Word of God. Interpretation and application. That’s the focus of today’s vlog and crucial for our day and age when many are ignoring the truth of Scripture and what God was teaching us through it.


The Bible is full of errors! Really? Is it? This is where knowing the doctrine of inerrancy is key. What does is mean that the Bible is inerrant? And most importantly what ramifications does it have on my life if I don’t believe inerrancy? We’ll explore that and more today as we continue to walk through the basics that we need to know to make sure we’re grounded and prepared.


A couple of weeks ago as we began Ephesians on Sunday morning, we talked about knowing the basics of our faith. We’re starting today with some of those basics. If someone asked you today–“How do you know the Bible is true?”–how would you answer them? What texts would you go to? Could you provide an explanation? We need to be able to give a reasonable defense of our faith and that’s part of what we’re doing today. Let’s explore this…


From a theological standpoint, 2 Peter 1 is very important as it reveals to use the nature of the Scriptures, their origin, how they came to be. That theological tidbit though has greater practical implications for us as it points to the truthfulness of the Word of God and it’s beneficial application to and for our lives. 2 Peter 1 NET


What is God’s will for me in….? I can’t tell you how many times I have asked that question personally or have heard others ask it. We are often looking in it for the audible voice from God to give us specific direction. I appreciate an avenue of looking at God’s will that I saw several years ago that I think helps to give all of us a better perspective on this often asked question.


I’ve read many articles over the years about the most useful tools to have in your tool box. There is one that completely trumps them all. Take a moment to watch and see what I’m talking about. 2 Timothy 3-4 NET


Thanks for joining us for this segement of #askpd. The Bible, though completed in it’s writing almost 2,000 years ago, applies just as much to our lives today as it did back then. Sometimes the changes in culture though make us question whether something is still relevant today. Take a moment to watch. You’ll find a couple of key points as well as questions that guide you to applying it in your life today. If you have Bible or life…


Temptation. As long as you’re on this side of heaven, it is something that we all face. The Apostle Paul talked of this reality in Romans 7. How do we handle it though? What can we do to prepare for it? How overcome it? Luke 4 offers some valuable insites as we look at Jeus life and ministry coupled with some additional passages of Scripture. Luke 4 NET
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