'#choice' Tagged Posts

'#choice' Tagged Posts

Suffering from Comparativitis?

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:3-8, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of comparison and how that can inhibit using our gifts for the health of the church. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Loving the Unlovable

As I was thinking further on Romans 2-3, it made me think of how this looks in combination with a very well-known passage. And as we think on that passage as well today, it encourages us to deeper affection for our neighbors whether or not we think that they deserve it. Thanks for watching. “A Universal Cancer” (Romans 2:1-3:23)


The fall of man is ultimately a matter of whether or not one trusts God. There is so much in our world today that looks good but underneath we soon discover that we’ve been deceived by Satan & his pack of lies. As we see in the text though, we serve an amazing God who seeks us and who also offers us hope. Join us for Genesis 3 today!