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'#jesuschrist' Tagged Posts

Related Entities – Joy & Hope

Join us this week as we cover Romans 12:12 which we skipped over this past Sunday. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet (https://youtu.be/Ow84_x_aXd8). CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

New Game. Same Results. (GPS #16)

It amazes me at times the decisions people make expecting different results. I don’t plead innocence in that at all. I’ve been there. Done that. My son, who is learning to crawl, keeps get getting stuck in a corner of the room. He enters it the same way every time, but somehow I think he is expecting different results each time. We see that between Modernism & Postmodernism which have essentially the same results as we get rid of God.…


James calls us to be “doers of the Word.” Using the analogy of a train track as a comparison to the Word, the train finds the greatest freedom on the track. Despite what our world thinks, freedom truly found in Christ and in obedience to the Word. But the train gets nowhere without an imporant part of the train. We’re exploring that today in relation to the Christian life. Thanks for watching! “Listen & Live It” – Jas 1:22-27 (February…


The fall of man is ultimately a matter of whether or not one trusts God. There is so much in our world today that looks good but underneath we soon discover that we’ve been deceived by Satan & his pack of lies. As we see in the text though, we serve an amazing God who seeks us and who also offers us hope. Join us for Genesis 3 today!


Hypostatic union. While it is a theological term, it has great significance for us as saved people. It’s hard to understand, and I don’t think that we can every understand it fully. But it is very applicable for us. Without this, we would not be saved.


There is a growing population of what is now termed the “spiritual nones.” They are individuals who see Christianity in particular as harmful, as helpful but not a part of it, or are unaffiliated believers. I wonder though if there are more spiritual nones than the survey takes into account. We are suffering a “spiritual plight” in America where Christians are more and more identifying with the world than the Lord & Savior who bought them with his precious blood.…


I just love the gospel of John which is so simple to understand yet as deep as the ocean in its theology. John 20 reveals to us John’s purpose in composing this book–that people would read it and choose to believe in Jesus as their Savior. The last part of v. 31 stood out to me – “have life in his name”. It it true that belief in Jesus brings eternal life for anyone making that step of faith. The…


American Christianity often focuses on ourselves. The star of all of scripture though is God. We see that in Ephesians 1 as Paul writes about what GOD has done. He chose, he predestined, he adopted, he did, he lavished, etc. And if we remember what Paul says about us in Romans 5, God is definitely worthy of our praise as we read Ephesians 1. Take a moment to read and watch. God bless. Ephesians 1 NET


Romans 5 paints for us both sides of the gospel message. We that we deserved judgement and yet God showed us love and through faith in him we have peace. We praise God who has loved us so greatly, even when we were unloveable.


The book of Romans is a great book with a variety of content. Paul speaks about creation, salvation, the Christian life, God’s plan for Israel, and so much more. Chapter one contains some great verses but also a very solemn message.


In a time when circumstances and much that we hear through media can discourage us, here is a story from Ireland of God at work. This pastor was hospitalized by the COVID-19 virus and came through it. His testimony reminds us to call out to God. He hears us. He is still there. And he’s answering prayer and doing amazing things in people’s lives.


Kinsman Redeemer. That’s not a term you hear used in today’s language at all. Perhaps you’ve never even heard of the term. It is a concept found specifically in the Old Testament but appears in the New Testament though only as a backdrop of a bigger picture. In fact, it may actually be lost among other “Christianese” and theological terms that we are more familiar with. I’ve been writing a commentary on the book of Ruth recently though for school…