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'#joy' Tagged Posts

Related Entities – Joy & Hope

Join us this week as we cover Romans 12:12 which we skipped over this past Sunday. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet (https://youtu.be/Ow84_x_aXd8). CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Focus for 2023

A new year lies ahead of us. While we may have plans, we don’t know what the year may bring for us. God does though. I’d like to encourage you today with an email I received recently which addresses our focus as we enter the new year ahead, grounding is in great truths from the Scriptures and God’s character. Thanks for joining us! “A Fitness Plan for the New Year” (1 Tim 4:6-11)


We are taking a break in Genesis to focus more intentionally on James as we work through it on Sunday mornings and keep that text fresh in our minds. Set aside some time to watch that video from Sunday. Join us today as we seek to gain some perspective on trials, particularly God’s perspective.


In a world full of bad news, this is the best news of all. Hope in a world filled wit hopelessness. Security in a world of uncertainty. Freedom in a world enslaved. Joy and peace in a world that is anything but. This is about your eternity and your present.


The word “Lord” is an important one for our daily Christian walk to remember. It reminds us that we are under the authority of Christ and called to walk in his will. Yet if we’re honest, we often just happy with him being our Savior rather than our Lord. Lord implies that I must submit to his control in my life. As unpleasant as our world makes that sound and deceived us into believe it is, it is in submission…


I often joke that I am going to write a book someday about all the lessons my kids teach me about my relationship with God and how we as adults often react to him. Perhaps I will, but I came across such an excerpt on Facebook today that I’d like to share with you about our relationship with God.


Third John is a short little book, just 15 verses, yet there are some very meaningful texts that we miss in this often over looked epistle. One in particular has meant much to me as a father and as a pastor. Which one is it and why does it mean so much? Take a moment to watch. 3 John NET


Denying self. It is as important and as hard as that sounds. Yet that is what we are called to as disciples of Christ. In denying self, we are to follow after the will of our master. It is a daily battle (Romans 7). Yet we find our greatest purpose, satisfaction, and fulfillment in him. It is looking to what yet awaits us and seeing all here as temporary. Choose Him. Luke 9 NET