'#livingsacrifice' Tagged Posts

'#livingsacrifice' Tagged Posts

Suffering from Comparativitis?

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:3-8, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of comparison and how that can inhibit using our gifts for the health of the church. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Worship God with Your Life (Ezra-Nehemiah Vlog #2)

Worship. Mention that word and it conjures pictures and emotions and thoughts within the believer’s mind. Maybe it a song that brought you through a difficult situation. Maybe it was a moment that made you feel embraced by God. We often use the word as an adjective, but Scripture uses it as a verb. Let’s dive deeper into “worship” looking at Romans 12 today. “Worship: Start Here” (Ezra 2-3)

Depending on God

James confronts those living in complete independence of God at the end of chapter 4. If that is what living independently of God looks like, what is characteristic of a life dependent on God? Thanks for watching as we explore that question today!


I normally publish a video during on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a passage or question to focus on to encourage and equip the church. Wednesdays, I focus usually an answering a question. As I was thinking on what I might cover today, I kept coming back to our subject on Sunday (#ConvenientChristianity) as we focus on this study Rooted (Grounded in the Word. Prepared for the Future.). As I was preparing last week for Sunday, I came across an…


This semester for school I am doing two Old Testament survey classes. I have been reading through the first half of the Old Testament & reading a couple of textbooks that offer comments and information on that biblical reading. Last week, I was reading through the textbook portion dealing with the book of Numbers. I read this at the end of one of the paragraphs dealing with Numbers 7:1-10:10 and the offerings the tribal leaders were bringing for the tabernacle.…