'#questions' Tagged Posts

'#questions' Tagged Posts

How Might God Use This?

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “Meant for Good” (Joseph) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

How Long Lord & Other Questions for God

Ever look at the world around you or what is going on in your life and your mind is filled with questions for God? Maybe it something like: “God why aren’t you acting?” Or “God when will you show yourself?” Or even “God, if you truly love me, why is this happening?” We’ve all faced those questions and more. And we can be encouraged that numerous writers in the Bible did as well. Thanks for watching today as we tackle…

Mix Reactions Toward God’s Sovereignty

The sovereignty of God can invoke a number of reactions from people. It may incite praise. It may create bewilderment and questions. It may incite critical comments and even anger. Since Romans 9’s focus was centralized on God’s sovereignty, let’s take a bit more time to explore that today and our mixed reactions as human beings toward this important attribute of God. “God Is the Potter. We Are the Clay.” (Romans 9:14-33)

Preach the Gospel…AND USE WORDS

The Gospel and evangelism has been on my mind much recently. I want to take a detour this week to focus on that with a few simple, yet necessary, encouragements. We have been given this great mission by our Lord and Savior. And before us is a world in need of this great news that we ourselves had taken ahold of and benefitted so greatly by. Thanks for watching.

Finding the Gospel Gates

The Gospel and evangelism has been on my mind much recently. I want to take a detour this week to focus on that with a few simple, yet necessary, encouragements. We have been given this great mission by our Lord and Savior. And before us is a world in need of this great news that we ourselves had taken ahold of and benefitted so greatly by. Thanks for watching.

Thoughts on Death

Death is a reality for all of us. Unless Jesus comes again before we enter the grave, we will all die. And death is one of those odd subjects that people don’t like to talk about but yet commands interest as well. There are all sorts of stories on YouTube about people’s after-death experiences. I was watching a video today asking “What happens when we die?” Looking to Scripture, what does it have to say about death and hope for…

Vertical Vision (Jas 5)

In James 5, we see both oppression and injustice. As James tells his readers to “be patient” in 5:7, he calls them to a different perspective. And that perspective that he calls them to is meant to impact their everyday life. Thanks for watching as we explore these subjects together! “One Response” (Jas 5:7-12)

Is Good Friday Really Good?

My son asked us the other day at dinner about the origins of Good Friday. He wasn’t referencing the biblical account by the eptimology of the phrase itself. So we looked into a bit this week. Is Good Friday really good? Thanks for watching! “Who Do You Say I Am?” – April 10, 2022 Sermon “What’s So Good About Good Friday?” – Passion Conference CCLI Streaming License # 20229783


This is part 1 of two sessions we’ll do on Genesis 12. In this first session, look at the chapter and note that two elements always go hand in hand together. These two elements are the subject of a great hymn of the faith. They are the key to living godly lives. They are what we are encouraged to here. Trust and obedience. They cannot be separated from one another. What is God calling you to trust him in? How…


The sons of God. The Nephilim. Genesis 6 has sparked the curiosity of more than one person as they seek to understand who these two groups of people are. I think though that in the midst of curiosity and pressing to find an answer that you’ll find that many people skip over the greater message God is trying to get across–the totality of man’s sinfulness and evil. These are the front steps into the story of God’s judgement through the…


In Luke 23, we find a simple phrase with a powerful message in vv. 15, 22, and 41 – “deserve this”. It points to the guiltlessness of Christ and who bore our guilt and shame and we might have life and hope in Him. Take a moment to watch, pray for someone who hasn’t yet trusted in Jesus as their Savior, perhaps commit to speak with them this week. If you would like to know more about what it means…


Why would God allow? That’s a question many have asked undoubtely since after the fall of man. The subject of the question varies based upon our own personal experienes. This week, I’m sharing a moving video I watched from Paul Tripp. While it addressed the specific issue of “why does God allow disability?”, the theology & principle he conveys allows us to process many other circumstances from a biblical standpoint. Remember it’s all about God’s glory & sometimes our finite…